Marketing Attribution Mistake #2: Rejecting Regulatory Realities

rejecting regulatory realities graphic

This is OptiMine’s second installment in our blog series about the top marketing attribution mistakes (see the first installment here:, and this common mistake deals with new consumer privacy regulations that impact the marketing technology ecosystem, including marketing measurement. Our aptly named Attribution Mistake #2 is “Rejecting Regulatory Realities.”


The regulatory realities we are referring to are the new consumer data privacy regulations, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The enforcement of the CCPA officially began on July 1, 2020, and if your brand’s plan is to hope you’re not at risk, news flash—that is not a plan. The risks to your business are substantial, growing, and if you’re partnering with a marketing measurement vendor who uses consumer identity data, you’re at an even greater risk.


To learn more about these regulatory risks and how they impact your brand, OptiMine invites you to read our free guide:


One quick note about the risks of using PII for your marketing attribution: it doesn’t have to be this way. OptiMine uses no PII, tracking pixels, cookies, or consumer identity data, EVER. Choose a marketing attribution solution that is 100% future proof and risk-free (OptiMine), and avoid this common attribution mistake.






Finally, continue to check back often during the next few weeks as we keep exploring each of the Top 5 Marketing Attribution Mistakes, or feel free to skip ahead & download the full guide now: