Case Study: How OptiMine Helped Twitter Measure Media Impacts on Brand Health KPIs

Media & Telcomm
Twitter’s analytics group approached OptiMine with a provocative question: can paid and promoted Twitter media campaigns drive improvement in brand sentiment related metrics? And the question had a related challenge as well – Twitter needed the answer by the end of the year with only a few weeks left. OptiMine jumped at the opportunity to utilize its advanced analytics platform and showcase OptiMine’s true advantages of speed, agility and flexibility, and immediately began efforts to solve the measurement challenge.
OptiMine’s solution examined the relationship between paid, earned & owned social on a collection of brand sentiment metrics and KPIs for the four largest mobile carriers in the US. OptiMine leveraged Twitter’s own campaign history data for the mobile carriers along with social listening data that provided a rich set of sentiment information across a large collection of important KPIs of high interest to the carriers. By examining and modeling a year’s worth of historical campaign and sentiment activity, OptiMine was able to quantify the abilities of the mobile carrier brands to impact consumer sentiment by leveraging targeted social campaigns.

The results of OptiMine’s models and measures are of key interest to brands everywhere: with targeted marketing campaigns and investments, brands can build positive brand attitudes and sentiment across an array of dimensions. Additionally, brands can also use targeted marketing investments to reduce negative brand perceptions as well, thereby using campaigns as tools to reduce customer attrition risks. While OptiMine’s study did not determine the exact length of lift in brand sentiment metrics, it does show that sophisticated marketers can communicate positive attributes to boost customer perceptions, and that brands can use advanced marketing measurement to plan, invest and monitor the success of these investments.
Across all of the mobile carrier sentiment categories, it was shown that brands could use paid media to drive positive sentiment lift independent of any infrastructure investments being made (example: a carrier could drive an increase in perceived network quality even if the carrier was not actively investing in improving network quality) and that paid media produced positive short-term gains.
Furthermore, OptiMine’s modeling approach also demonstrated that more real-time sentiment data could be used for modeling the impacts of media. This drives a much faster measurement-to-improvement cycle versus more traditional methods that utilize primary research studies pre/post campaign to determine lift. These traditional methods require upwards of a year to complete while OptiMine’s measurement approach in partnership with Twitter proved that measurement can be completed in a few weeks. The table below summarizes the sentiment lift potential of paid media investments as identified in the OptiMine-Twitter study:

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OptiMine helps leading retailers measure the incremental contributions of their digital and traditional marketing campaigns on any outcome (sales, traffic, new customer acquisition and more) across any conversion point (in-store, e-commerce, in-app, call center and more). OptiMine’s privacy-forward approach means you’ll never need to compromise with tech industry and state-by-state privacy changes and regulations.